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The Best Tactical Compasses for Navigation and Survival

A reliable compass is a must-have for navigation and survival in the wilderness. Here are the top 5 tactical compasses:

  1. Suunto MC-2 Global Compass: Known for its global needle system and durable design.
  2. Silva Ranger 2.0: Offers a mirror sighting system and declination adjustment for precise navigation.
  3. Cammenga 3H Tritium Compass: Features a tritium illumination for low-light conditions.
  4. Brunton TruArc 3: A budget-friendly option with a simple and reliable design.
  5. Leupold TruArc 5: Combines a durable construction with a declination adjustment feature.

Why Tactical Compasses? They provide accurate navigation, ensuring you stay on course in the wild.

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